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The main activities of OAO “AGAT-SYSTEM” are:

  •  Design, development and batch manufacturing of radio communication systems and equipment.

  • Conduction of research and development works in creation of automated information and control systems.

  • Development and batch manufacturing of hardware and security systems.

  • Development of general and special purpose software.

  • Research and development activities upon development and implementation of automated process control systems.

Our expertise and effective work are proven by our significant projects:

In the area of radio communication systems and equipment:

1. "Sirius" system of radio communications hardware for the benefit of Law enforcement agencies and other authorities.

2. Design and deployment of APCO 25 trunking communication system.

3. Development and batch manufacturing of a line of digital video broadcasting transmitters.


In the area of information technologies:

1. Unified software and hardware system for issuing driver's licenses and certificates of registration of vehicles of State Motor Vehicle Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus.

2. “Passport” automated information system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus.

3. “Respublika” information system of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus.

4. Information system of the National Library of the Republic of Belarus.


In the area of security tools and systems:

1. Integrated security system of “Kolyadichi” power substation.

2. Access control system of the National Library of the Republic of Belarus (the development was awarded with a diploma in the nomination of “The best product in the area of access control systems” at “Man and Security - 2006” exhibition.

3. Development of security alarm system for the benefit of Security Services Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus.


 In the area of automated control systems:

1. Road toll imposition management system (M1 highway: Brest city - Russian Federation border).

2. Automated system of notification of population, enterprises and governmental authorities for the benefit of Ministry for Emergency Situations.

3. Systems for automation of meetings of chambers of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus.


The main principle of OAO “AGAT-SYSTEM” operation is application of modern and high technologies to create innovative products that can successfully compete both in the local and foreign markets.